Mina Inverse Presents

Hingan Lounge | Teahouse | Bar

In the secluded Goblet, a gumiho, a 9-tailed fox, extends a mysteriously friendly welcome, inviting you to a haven away from battles and worries. Within the Den, she offers mystical tea and homecooked meals, creating a sanctuary for weary souls. Yet, beneath the friendliness, a subtle intrigue lingers, leaving you to ponder the true nature of her hospitality...

Rules and Regulations

✽ Please do not harass our staff members. ✽
✽ This is a place to interact and relax. Please leave lingering grudges at the door. ✽
✽ Please keep any inappropriate language or talks out of the Den. ✽
✽ The Den reserves the right to refuse service should you behave maliciously or be disrespectful to staff or patrons.✽

구미호 (Gumiho)

Foxy Lady of Atomos

Mina Inverse, once a distant observer of the ever-evolving human saga, initially regarding them merely as a means of sustenance, has undergone a profound transformation over the decades. Despite her innate introversion, she has learned to coexist with humans, though she often retreats from the public eye.Preferring solitude, Mina's vital ritual mandates the consumption of a human every 99 days to sustain her strength and flawless skin. Those who wish to visit are welcome, but heed this caution—compliments and worship are the requisite offerings to gain her favor and avert the risk of becoming her next meal.